Let PBN Do the Work for You
Let PBN Do the Work for You: Supercharge Your Sales and Marketing Strategies!

January 21, 2025
Dave & Buster's
5PM - 8PM
Tickets available on Eventbrite.

Imagine a world where your sales and marketing efforts are amplified effortlessly. With PBN (Pacific Business News), you can unlock a powerful tool that drives traffic, boosts your online presence, and ultimately grows your business. This talk will dive into the strategies and benefits of leveraging PBN, showing you how to let this innovative approach do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on what you do best—closing deals and building relationships. Get ready to transform your business and watch your success soar!
Event Date & Time
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Event Image
Event Location
Dave & Buster's
1030 Auahi St, Honolulu, HI 96814
Island: Oahu
Event Cost
$50.00 for members; $55.00 for non-members.
Event Catagory
Categories: Classes/Seminars
Fundraisers / Non-Profit
Food & Beverage

Schedule / Additional Info:
Click the Eventbrite link for tickets or visit www.smehonolulu.org.

Contact Information:
Promoter: Janet Scheffer
Name: SME Honolulu
Phone: (808) 285-1265
Email: info@smehonolulu.org
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/let-pbn-do-the-work-for-you-supercharge-your-sales-and-marketing-strategy-tickets-1114201138599?aff=oddtdtcreator
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