UH Presents Actors From the London Stage
Actors from the London Stage - Taming of the Shrew

Presented by University of Hawaii at Manoa Outreach College.

Tickets are $25 (adult), $20 (military, seniors, college students, University of Hawaii staff), $10 (UHManoa students, 17 and under).

Actors From The London Stage is one of the oldest established touring Shakespeare theater companies in the world. Housed and workshopped in England with academic tours booked through the auspices of Shakespeare at Notre Dame (housed in the Marie P. DeBartolo Center for the Performing Arts at the University of Notre Dame), this program is truly unique.

Offering a tour in the spring and another in the fall, we visit approximately 16-20 universities in a year, giving students and faculty around the country a chance to experience our dynamic and enriching performing arts program.

Developed by Professor Homer Swander at the University of California-Santa Barbara and co-founded by the renowned British actor, Patrick Stewart, the one-week residency program is truly an actor driven tour-de-force. Coming from such prestigious companies as the Royal Shakespeare Company; the Royal National Theatre of Great Britain; and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, our classically trained actors devote a large part of their time to student interaction.

Be it in classroom workshops, on stage demonstrations, text readings or informal meetings with students who want to know more, AFTLS actors are truly committed to teaching and making themselves entirely accessible to students during their stay on campus.

While they specialize in Shakespeare, our actors can handle any English text with equal aplomb. Because AFTLS actors know that the acting image is within the text, and they demonstrate by making choices that the text allows, bringing out the meaning in a way that students understand. For students who work with an actor in class, it will change the way they look at all future plays and poems.

Due to the dynamic hands-on nature of our program, the residency experience appeals to more than just English and Theatre students. Classes and performances are often attended by students from other disciplines, ie; liberal studies, business schools, law schools, gender studies, communications, university seminars, and graduate programs to name a few.
Event Date & Time
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Event Image
Event Location
The ARTS at Marks Garage
1159 Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, HI 96817
Island: Oahu
Event Cost
Event Catagory
Categories: Live Theater

Contact Information:
Promoter: UH Presents
Name: Mika
Phone: (808) 956-8246
Email: csinfo@hawaii.edu
Website: http://outreach.hawaii.edu/community/
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