West Coast Swing Workshop
West Coast Swing workshop to learn and master the fundamental 6 count & 8 count basics tog get you on your way!
Event Date & Time
Thursday, October 19, 2017
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Event Image
Event Location
Dream to Dance Studios
1070 North King Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
Island: Oahu
Event Cost
$25 per person. $40 per couple
Event Parking
Parking Details: Free Parking
Location: parking lot for studio
Event Catagory
Categories: Dancing
Visitor Attraction

Schedule / Additional Info:
If you want to learn this fun dance,
Or watched tons of videos on YouTube,
Or have already taken Intermediate Classes but can't seem to pull off what you've learned,
Come & join us for this workshop!

Contact Information:
Promoter: Roscel Garcia
Name: George V. Garcia
Phone: (808) 321-1380
Alternate Phone: (808) 321-0701
Email: gvgarcia11@gmail.com
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