The King Pins @ St. Louis Alumni Clubhouse
Start your weekend early and join the fun with great times, great music, and dancing!
Event Date & Time
Thursday, September 28, 2017
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Event Image
Event Location
St. Louis Alumni Clubhouse
925 Isenberg Street
Honolulu, HI 96826
Island: Oahu
Event Cost
$10 cover charge
Event Parking
Parking Details: Free Parking
Location: In lot or at the bank in front from 6:00 PM
Event Catagory
Categories: Dancing
Live Music
Night Clubs

Schedule / Additional Info:
Bring your own food or you may purchase from any of the nearby food establishments.

Contact Information:
Promoter: H. Yamauchi
Name: Harvey Yamauchi
Phone: (808) 386-7243
Alternate Phone: (808) 255-8579
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