August 28-September 1 - 5 days of short term intensive classes in taiko drumming, transverse bamboo flute playing, Kagura Mai (shrine dance movements), Korean changgo drumming, and Japanese Festival Music with taiko master Kenny Endo; visiting guest artist from Tokyo, Kyosuke Suzuki from the renown Wakayama Shachu; MaryJo Freshly of Halla Huhm Foundation, and Sean Shibata of Taiko Center of the Pacific.
Event Date & Time
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9:00am - 9:00pm
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Event Location
Washington Middle School
1633 S King Street (corner of King & Punahou Streets)
Honolulu, HI 96826
Island: Oahu
Event Cost
$170/class; $150/class for youth to age 17
Event Parking
Parking Details: free, school lot on King Street
Location: 1633 s King Street, Honolulu, HI 96816
Event Catagory
Categories: Classes/Seminars
Cultural / Ethnic
Youth Activities

Schedule / Additional Info:
9-10:45 am: Korean changgo with Mary Jo Freshley
3:15-5 pm: Kagura Mai w/ Kyosuke Suzuki
5:15-7 pm: Beta Chudaiko w/ Kenny Endo
5:15-7 pm: Shimedaiko w/ Kyosuke Suzuki
7:15-9 pm: Transverse bamboo flute w/ Kyosuke Suzuki
7:15-9 pm: Japanese Festival Music

Other Days:
This event occurs Monday, and Wednesday - Friday this week only.

Contact Information:
Promoter: Chizuko Endo
Name: Chizuko Endo
Phone: (808) 737-7236
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