5 Star Global Opportunity
Hear about the fastest growing team in the fastest growing company in the industry. Learn how Doug and Malia created a multiple 6 figure income in 4 months. Learn the skills and techniques on how to become successful. Find out how to leverage your time to create residual income from home. 5 Star Global Opportunity, you don't wanna miss this wave! Jump on and lets win together. Message or call to reserve a seat
Event Date & Time
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12:00pm - 1:30pm
Event Image
Event Location
Success center Hawaii
829 Lehua Ave, Pearl City, HI, 96782
Island: Oahu
Event Cost
Event Parking
Parking Details: free
Location: street parking
Event Catagory
Categories: 18 Plus
Military - MWR
Free Stuff !

Schedule / Additional Info:
12pm Doors open, meet and greet
12:30pm Jeunesse Presentation
1:15pm Training

Other Days:
This event occurs Saturday every week until Thursday, December 1, 2016.

Contact Information:
Promoter: DBoy Productions
Name: Jon
Phone: (808) 216-7685
Email: winwithdoug@gmail.com
Website: http://winwithdoug.com
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